“This Week Has Changed My Life”
Chesed v’Shalom—Grace and Peace to you.
From wildly jumping up and down with the joy of the Lord to kneeling in full submission to Him, Israeli teen believers responded to the presence of God during last week’s summer camp.
I will attempt to show you what it looked like and how it felt, using some photos I grabbed — especially during worship. Already, one camper asked me not to publish his photo. So, please respect their privacy by NOT RE-POSTING this letter.

Please know that it was your prayers and gifts that made this five-day experience possible for nearly 90 young men and women! So, I am compelled. I want you to see and, if possible, feel the atmosphere. It is important to keep in mind that these youth and the entire society around them are in a traumatized state after nearly 11 months of continuous war on all sides of this small nation. It is a miracle that we were able to hold the camp at all amidst the threats – REALLY!
The Timing of the Lord
Only several days after we concluded (Aug.22), on Sunday, August 25, Israel dramatically pre-empted a massive 6000 missile planned attack by Hezbollah, destroying poised rocket-launchers. Waves of enemy rockets and drones blanketed northern Israel in response. An even heavier backlash was expected and all Israel was put on alert. Had our camp been scheduled earlier or later, none of the breakthroughs you’re reading about would have taken place. God surely knew what was coming and granted the exact window of time!

What the Youth Said about their Camp Experience…
At the end of five VERY full days, the microphone was open for young people to tell what God did in their lives during the camp. (Here are a few, translated from Hebrew, with names altered for security).
Daniel: Before this camp I didn’t understand the meaning of praise. When I read the Bible I couldn’t understand it either. But here at Katzir the praise and worship time really touched me. On the last night I decided to lift my hand during worship for the first time ever. I fell to my knees and decided to give my life to the Lord.
Samuel: I had one request coming to this camp—to return home a new person. I arrived with a heart of stone. My heart began to change. Then, one evening after worship, I wept. Suddenly, I understood with a whole heart, securely, that I believe in Yeshua the Messiah.
Immanuel : I arrived at the camp with a lot of grief, pain, and even rage. I lost a family member who fell in battle in Gaza. I had many questions. Why did God allow such grief? I had many doubts about faith. Then I shared all of this with my counselor and I was freed from the burden I’d been carrying.
Ophirah: I’ve been going through a very hard time—thoughts of depression and suicide. On the last night some counselors prayed for me. The oppressive thoughts fell away. After this release, I’m far stronger spiritually, and I’ve received practical tools for day-to-day life.

Na’ama: My connection with God was non-existent before Katzir, after a couple years of just wanting to give up on life. During this whole camp, I’ve been crying. Now, I understand that I’m not able to carry the burdens of life. Even so, one night I thought to myself, “This pain is never going to leave me.” But suddenly, I felt the love of God and that I am His daughter. Now I have hope. This week has changed my life!
Reading these testimonies, I’m so moved by the honesty, tenderness, and urgent need of these young ones. They represent many more who didn’t stand up to open their hearts but were also deeply touched. I saw it happening with my own eyes!
You are Involved in What’s Happening Here!
You may think this is a report from a distant place and reality. But I’m here to tell you that you are practically, spiritually, and influentially involved in what’s happening here, in Israel, with the next generation. Again and again I come back to the promise of Joel. “And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy…” (Joel 2:28). The term “prophesy” is both literal AND general. Our young people will be filled with God’s very Spirit in the end of days.
THIS is the impetus behind Fields of Wheat—to equip the youth of Israel to be those who gather in the final harvest leading to Yeshua’s triumphant return. “The threshing floors will be full of wheat and the vats will overflow with new wine and oil” (Joel 2:24).
“Equipping for Harvest” is our motto, our banner, our purpose as a ministry. Katzir, the name of our youth conferences, means harvest! THANK YOU for being knit with us to fulfill this holy and vital calling in these climactic times.
Eitan Shishkoff