Young Israelis Experience the Day of Atonement 2023

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Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement. There is no other day in the year like it, especially in Israel. The atmosphere throughout the entire country is somber, soul-searching, silent, still. No one drives. It’s not a fun holiday at the beach, but a national day of accountability before God.

In ancient Israel, God commanded the high priest to enter the holy of holies with blood, only on this day during the entire year, to atone for the sins of the nation, to secure forgiveness. As believers in Yeshua, we are blessed with the joy and confidence of sins forgiven and continual access to the holy presence of our Father. Yeshua fulfilled Yom Kippur once and for all through His blood sacrifice as our ultimate high priest (the Book of Hebrews opens this powerful parallel).

Jewish people in Israel and around the world pray on Yom Kippur hoping to obtain forgiveness, but cannot attain it apart from the Lamb of God, for it is a divine gift that comes only by the shedding of blood (Lev. 17:11; Heb. 9:22). Knowing this, we are compelled to approach this appointed day with an attitude of intercession, standing in the gap for our brethren who are still in darkness. For the salvation of all Israel.  

An Invigorating Yom Kippur Experience

Some congregations in Israel gather on Yom Kippur, but many do not. Relevant activities for young adults are even more scarce. So, we decided to open the doors of our Harvesters House and invited young adults from around Israel to gather with our team for focused times of worship, prayer, and fellowship. 

We fasted, read aloud the book of Jonah (which is traditionally read in synagogues on Yom Kippur), and engaged in a thought-provoking discussion about the hidden connections between Jonah and Yeshua. Watching these students, soldiers, and entrepreneurs grapple with the biblical texts and come to deeper levels of insight was invigorating. 

We concluded our time by taking the Lord’s supper and eating a lovely meal together. The feedback the young adults shared with us as they departed touched our hearts. They thoroughly enjoyed their time with us and are looking forward to future gatherings. Their spiritual hunger and the ripeness of the harvest are propelling us toward the eventual goal of a full-on discipleship program for young adults.

You are an integral partner of this ministry. Thank you for your ongoing prayer and financial support to make these gatherings possible! We couldn’t do this without you.

Prayer Request

May I share something personal with you? The core of our Fields of Wheat staff consists of two young families with children. Hosting events like these on days when our kids are not in school (because of the holidays) can be complicated. Finding the balance between giving adequate attention to our children and, at the same time, engaging the young adults in meaningful ways is a challenge. And when you add the practical elements of hosting, cooking, and cleaning… it’s not so simple. Yet we believe these sacrifices are worth it for the sake of building up the next generation. 

A prayer request we have been bringing before the Lord for over a year now is asking the Lord to add a capable young single woman to round out our team and help us better serve the next generation. Thanks sincerely for making this a prayer priority—joining your faith with ours will bring it to pass!

Enriching the next generation together with you,

Cody Archer (on behalf of the team)

P.S. Please join us for our next FOW Zoom call. Wednesday October 11th, at 6 pm Israel time. We are already looking forward to this time of fellowship and intercession. See you then! Here is the link:

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

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