I remember when I first began to understand….

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That one word sums up this summer’s theme for our annual Katzir summer youth camp. 
It’s the word that opens the Sermon on the Mount. As we study Yeshua’s magnificent instructions for life, together with 120 teens (August 13-18), we will be focusing daily on the Beatitudes.
I remember when I first began to understand the Beatitudes in a deeper way. Before, as a teenager and even as a young adult, I thought each beatitude pointed to a certain moment in our life and the way it applied to a specific need we faced. For example, at times, we mourn, and God comforts us when we do. But now, after seeking for many years to live by Yeshua’s words, I see that they are spiritual character traits that define us as disciples of Yeshua—traits we aspire to grow in. They are surely the result of God’s transforming power working in and through us. Yet the Master’s commands are also the means of increasingly experiencing His love and pleasure. 
I found that I could not grow in these deeply spiritual qualities on my own. “Self-help” was of no use—nor will it be for my young Israeli brothers and sisters. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in us that will enable us to change and grow to be Yeshua’s disciples in the truest sense, being like Him. 
What does it mean to be ‘blessed’? 
Each morning the small group devotionals will focus on two of the beatitudes. Throughout the camp, we will be speaking about other themes of Matthew 5-7 during the teaching times and workshops. We want to help the youth grasp what it means to be “blessed.” By the way, I encourage you to look up the Greek and Hebrew definitions for this word. The Hebrew is translated as “ashrey” (אשרי). This word describes someone who is blessed, happy, full of joy, in a state of peace, free of worries, whole and fruitful.
The Beatitudes are a tool God gives us to see the growth and development in our walk over the long haul. You can’t really look back a week ago and say – “Wow, I really grew in meekness.” But if you look back five or ten years, you will be able to see the transformation that takes place as we walk consistently with Him. The Beatitudes are a standard we aspire to, desiring to grow in them more and more. They are an inner reality of our heart and spiritual condition, with very real, practical daily application in our lives. That’s what we want our teens to absorb and apply.
We desire that the youth would see God’s heart and love in the Sermon on the Mount, not a list of “do’s and don’t’s.” God’s love inspires and challenges us to live out Yeshua’s mountain-top message so we can walk in intimacy with the Lord, experiencing His love and pleasure for us, reflecting who He is in this world.
Already a Vital Answer to Prayer! 
Thanks so much for praying with us for leaders who will volunteer to serve in our camp. A few weeks ago, we had a significant need for more female counselors for the camp. Over the last week, we have seen real breakthroughs and received a large number of counselors joining our team. 
Let’s Keep Interceding for these potential-laden days: August 13-18! (see prayer points below!)
With lasting love and gratitude that your hearts are joined with ours for the next generation of Yeshua’s disciples in His land—the workers and leaders in the final harvest!
Joel (for the entire Fields of Wheat local team)
P.S. …SAVE THE DATE! August 9TH, for our next FOW Zoom call on Wednesday, at 6 pm Israel time. We are already looking forward to this time of fellowship and intercession – especially since it will be right before our SUMMER Katzir (Harvest) youth camp. See you then 😊.


Let’s Keep Interceding for these potential-laden days: August 13-18!

§ Young adult counselors (about 25 of them who hold the key to kids being touched in small groups) coming together as a love-filled, energized team devoted to seeing every young person’s life impacted by God during the camp. [They’ll come a day early, August 12, for training.]

§ Spiritual preparation for the youth—totally receptive hearts to the work of the Spirit.

§ High-Quality Devotional Guide for Small Group Discussions…touching deep needs & hopes, equipping Israeli young men and women to live all out for Messiah Yeshua.

§  Physical, emotional, and spiritual SAFETY, protection, and well-being for each participant—both youth and ministry team (altogether, 160 of us), and superb coordination with the facility staff.

Thank you for taking these prayer points into your personal times with the Lord or with your prayer group!

Please Help us Reach Our Goal of $144,00
$68,000 raised
Reading Time: 4 minutes

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