Joel has answered the call.
After a month of non-stop ministry, distributing vitally needed supplies to troops, our truly dedicated, selfless director has joined Israel’s 360,000 reserve soldiers, temporarily leaving his wife and sons to serve the country in this critical hour. Short on tank commanders, the IDF contacted Joel to fill a vital need in the all-out effort to end Hamas’s reign of terror.
Understandably, this redoubles the need for prayer. Our brother (along with every other soldier and their family) must be surrounded with protective, prevailing prayer. PLEASE pray also for his resilient wife, Teresa, and their two boys (7 and almost 2). We are already hearing accounts that PRAYER is making the difference between death and life on the battlefield.

Meanwhile… A Breakthrough for Bulletproof Protection
Immediately after the IDF began preparing for a response to the horrors of October 7, we heard about the urgent need for ceramic bullet-proof vests. For obvious reasons, this piece of equipment is absolutely essential. So we moved quickly to locate them. But there were complications. Civilians couldn’t just go out and buy them, they had to be army-approved. Reluctantly, we had to back off.
Then, we teamed up with a Jerusalem-based organization (Fellowship of Israel-Related Ministries: FIRM). They were able to cut through the red tape and finally, this week we were able to deliver hundreds of vests. Here’s how the soldiers felt when we gave them out…
Not Enough Words to Express our Appreciation!
I hope this heading does not sound trite. I really mean it. All of Israel has been dragged into a war we never wanted. All of Israel is mourning the barbaric destruction of 1400 lives in their very homes. All of Israel is aching for the return of some 240 hostages, how held for an entire MONTH in the bowels of Gaza by monstrous captors. Too, we ache for the beyond cynical use of Gaza’s population as “human shields,” and mourn the loss of innocent Palestinian lives.
In this situation, every true friend counts. “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (Proverbs 17:17). With Joel called to the front, we are all the more dependent on your gifts and your prayers to sustain the flow of equipment to our soldiers and to northern communities at risk. Please pray with us for the additional manpower to fulfill the numerous opportunities before us.
We will continue to meet needs as the financial resources are flowing. You have exceeded all of our previous goals. Now, it’s time for perseverance in strong prayer and practical provision.
With love and enduring gratitude,

Helping us Help Them!