You are about to hear an inspiring report.
Speaking from the Golan Heights, Joel will share with you the smiles you have brought to soldiers’ faces, the relief provided for a local town, and the continued opportunities to make a difference during Israel’s profound national crisis.
THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you—for empowering us to equip IDF soldiers as they prepare to enter the incomparable intensity of life and death conflict with a vicious enemy. Both the practical value of this equipment AND the boost in their morale are vitally important and SO timely.
Here’s Joel to give you his personal update on the results of your generosity…
Exciting Opportunity to Meet Local Need
As a result of this war against Jihadist terror (that none of us wanted, trust me!), local populations find themselves vulnerable to attack. Katzrin, where our ministry center is located, is within easy reach of Hizbollah rockets launched from Lebanon. Joel discovered that the city and regional councils were seriously lacking in security supplies. He reports: “You have no idea how excited they were. They haven’t been able to get their hands on any of the equipment we got them for their emergency response teams.”
This provision is building important bridges of relationship and coordination with the people of Israel, who have no idea that Yeshua is our Messiah. How can they possibly know him without first knowing us through the good works you are making possible? “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Before I close, please join us in bringing the following prayers before the Throne of Grace. Let’s press in, especially for the release of the remaining 230+ hostages and the swift, safe, decisive victory of the IDF in Gaza.
Thank you for Praying diligently with us for…
1. Repentance. Our nation has not been the model God intended. Please help pray us into the humility and national repentance of 2 Chronicles 7:14 as the conditions for our land to be healed.
2. Release/Rescue of all Hostages (latest count – 245)….innocent babies, elderly, sons, daughters. Reminiscent of David’s sorrow, then victory at Ziklag in 1 Samuel 30:1-8;17-19.
3. IDF soldiers. At this writing, 16 outstanding young men have died in battle, giving their lives to end Hamas’s reign of terror. Please pray Psalm 144:1; Psalm 46:1,7 and pray that all enemy positions will be exposed (tunnels, booby traps, mines, etc). One of God’s names is “Lord of Armies—Adonai Tzva’ot—״יהוה צבאות
4. Israeli government high command & war cabinet, including three former chiefs of staff. 1Timothy 2:1-4…Humility, Wisdom, Boldness, Freedom from bondage to foreign opinions. In 1 Sam 23:1-3; 4-5; 10-11; 12-14, David inquired of the Lord re: attacking the Philistines. May our leaders, too, inquire of the Lord!
5. Judgment on Hamas (186 references to God’s judgment of evil) … Deuteronomy 32:39-43; Amos 1:6-7; Zechariah 2:8-9 “…he who touches (lit. wounds) you touches the apple of His eye.” Yet, there is protection for the innocent citizens of Gaza, who are themselves captives of this evil.
6. Israeli society and Arab Israeli citizens…Ps 133. Pray for genuine brotherhood and peace in the streets. Decades of fellowship, business dealings, prayer, and relationship-building have broken down many barriers. However, times of conflict as this can provoke the Arab citizens of Israel (who constitute some 22% of our total population).
7. Messianic Jews of Israel and Christian covenant friends joining even more deeply together to serve our King: In 1 Kings 5 Hiram and Solomon’s covenant friendship built the temple. Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’s arms brought Joshua victory on the battlefield in Exodus 17:8-13.
Very grateful for you, your fellow servant, Eitan

Eitan Shishkoff
Helping us Help Them!

Your prayers and gifts are making a difference! We have exceeded our original goal of $149,000 USD
STILL – As Joel shared in the video above, there are gaps to fill and fit these front-line soldiers with potentially life-saving gear in Yeshua’s name.
Reading Time: 3 minutes