A learned Arab Christian bible teacher, with expertise in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam instructing Messianic Jews in the ancient history of the town where our ministry house is located??
Yes, our new friend, Ibrahim,* a published academic author with a passion for discipleship, led 30 of our young adults on a guided tour of the ancient Katzrin site. This national park is no more than a mile from our “Harvesters’ House” equipping center. It was a farming village active between the 4th-8th centuries CE.

From ancient history to a very personal question…
More than the historic data, Ibrahim gave us insight into Jewish thinking in the Second Temple era that is the foundation of Orthodox Jewish theology until today. The destruction of the Temple led to a shift from the revealed will of God in Scripture to a religion based on rabbinic rulings and numerous additions to the Hebrew bible.
Then, he shifted his attention to the personal lives of these sincere young believers. He challenged them with the question “Is there any other thing that is equal to or a higher priority than God in your lives right now?” What a relevant and piercing question for young adults trying to sort out their future!

Food, Fellowship, & Worship – always a good combination!
Back at our ministry house we gathered for the brunch we wrote about in our last update. Following a tasty meal and sweet fellowship, we entered into a deep time of worship. Many of the young people expressed how thankful they are for such an initiative on the part of Fields of Wheat. Especially for believers in the north there is a real need to get together with other lovers of Messiah. These times are such a blessing for them!
Thank you for sowing your prayers and finances into these promising young Israelis! They will soon become the influencers in a society that Yeshua called “the lost sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew 15:24).
Liat Archer

P.S. Katzrin, the name of our town, comes from the root “to harvest.” Are we to think that it’s an accident that the Lord led us to this ancient center of harvest to train workers for Yeshua’s harvest?
*Not his real name