Why would we leave our homes and families to spend three weeks in seven cities?
It’s because the ministry of Fields of Wheat is a calling that we share. Our heart is to build lasting relationships. The best way to do that is to be WITH people. And though we can’t be with all of you who are part of equipping the next generation of Israelis, we are dedicated to giving it our best shot.
Below, I’ll be giving some prayer priorities for our time on the road. First, the words of Yeshua come to me as an inspiration and direction for reaching out to you—both via our bi-weekly updates and (on these very special occasions) in person.
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. 38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38

Yeshua here emphasizes the vital necessity of praying for harvest laborers. So just who ARE those laborers? As I’m writing to you it is clear that together we are His harvesters. You who labor with us in prayer and financial support are no less laborers than the Fields team or the youth and young adults we are investing in. The firm fact is that YOU are investing in them too!
I first prayed this prayer in 1974 in a hay field in the high mountains of New Mexico, USA. I became the answer to my own prayer and step by step found myself as a “harvester” in Yeshua’s own land of Israel. I’ve continued to pray that prayer through these decades. And now God is answering that prayer through you, my friends.
Thank you for answering His call. Thank you for getting involved, rolling up your sleeves, to take part in the great end-time harvest that must precede the return of our King. Thank you for allowing us to share our lives and our passion with you—and for sharing yours with us.
With love and genuine joy to be laborers side by side in Yeshua’s harvest,
Eitan (for the entire Fields of Wheat local team)

P.S. Here are some prayer priorities and our schedule. If you’re anywhere near one of these locations, it would be our joy to see you!
- HEALTH & PROTECTION for our FAMILIES while we travel
- HEARTS deeply touched by God for the next generation of Israeli believers, Jewish & Arab
- DIVINE APPOINTMENTS & Holy Spirit orchestrated experiences in every meeting
- Joel and Eitan, energized body, soul, and spirit all along the way
- NEW Partners and abundant financial provision for the work the Lord has given us
Eitan & Joel’s June 2023 USA Calendar
June 1-4: Abilene, TX Beltway Church: Pastors David McQueen & Randy Turner
June 1 – Thursday – Beltway Church North Campus/Service 6:30pm
June 4 – Sunday: Beltway South Campus/ Services 9 and 10:45am
June 5-6 Monday-Tuesday: Dallas, TX
June 7-June 11 Knoxville – Rabbi Michael & Jan Weiner
June 8 – Thursday : 12:00pm Pastors’ Luncheon, Rabbi Weiner hosting
June 10 – Shabbat: 10:30am Shomair Yisrael Messianic Synagogue
June 11 – Sunday: Knoxville church (tba)
June 12 – 13 Monday & Tuesday: Charlotte, NC
June 14-18 Wednesday-Sunday: Beulaville-Jacksonville, NC
Pastors Jim & Marisi Pope and Pastors Chris & Miriam Phillips
June 14 – Wednesday: Grace Covenant Evening Service – 7 PM
June 15 – Thursday: Grace Covenant Evening Leadership Seminar – 7 PM
June 18 – Sunday: River of Life Service 10:00am/ Grace Covenant Service 10:00am
June 20-25 Tuesday-Sunday June 25 Tikkun “Restore” Conference, Ben & Lorena Juster – Turf Valley Resort/Ellicott City, MD; www.tikkunrestore.com