Our Part is Allowing God to Reach Their Hearts!

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It’s incredible that such a small country like Israel means so much on the world stage.

Eitan and I have been traveling across America’s highways, experiencing endless green countryside on a ministry “road trip.” After living in Israel for most of my life, the sheer magnitude of the U.S. never ceases to amaze me.

So, although Israel is tiny in comparison, it reminds me that investing in this nation’s youth matters.

It matters because God has made promises that are waiting to be fulfilled. We believe our youth will see those promises brought to life—not as spectators, but as active participants in their fulfillment. Our part is allowing God to reach their hearts, bringing truth and solid foundations to their spiritual walk with the Lord, and helping them live full of hope and excitement to be a part of God’s move among His people.

Fulfilling God’s promised Spiritual Restoration of Israel

Sde Boker, the desert community where we will be hosting the camp this August, is known as a place that celebrates the physical restoration of Israel. It was the home of the first prime minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion. It celebrates his vision to settle the desert and make it a place of fruitful agriculture based on God’s promises in the Bible (Isaiah 35:1-2). Sde Boker celebrates the return of the Jewish people to their home. As we host our camp there, we’ll be fulfilling the second part of God’s promised restoration of Israel – It’s spiritual restoration (Jeremiah 31:31-33).

Our part is allowing God to reach their hearts!
Katzir Summer 2022 at Sde Boker

This summer, we will again host 120 teenagers and 40 leaders and volunteers for five action-packed days. The theme for this camp will be drawn from the Sermon on the Mount. We will explore God’s heart with these young people—His heart for them to have a solid foundation on which to build their lives and to walk with Him daily. To me, that is the heart of the Sermon on the Mount—providing a firm foundation in times of severe turbulence—that we might be filled with “the peace that surpasses all understanding.”

Praying God’s Provision of Young Adult Counselors—a major key to every camp

Please pray as we prepare for the camp. Our biggest prayer request at the moment is that God would Mobilize young adult volunteers. In order to serve 120 teens we need a large team. We don’t take this for granted, knowing that these young adults must take time off from work or school to serve with us. As we reach out to them, we pray that God would move the hearts of those He chooses—to come and serve with us.

Pray also as we write the devotionals, developing content for the camp—that God would give us His heart and revelation for what he wants to speak deeply into these young men and women during a profound turning point when decisions are made that will shape their destiny.

I am deeply thankful for your prayers and vital support!

Joel Jelski

Please Help us Reach Our Goal of $144,00
$68,000 raised
Reading Time: 3 minutes

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