Day after day, the Arab-Jewish conflict dominates news headlines. Even to the casual observer, there seems to be no solution, no end in sight.
But did you know that quietly, behind the headlines, there are Arabs and Jews in Israel who are not only cooperating but creating a new path of lasting brotherhood?
Hello! If you’ve not met me before, I’m Ruby Bishai, an Arab Christian. I’ve lived my whole life in Israel with a burden of bringing our people together through the love of Yeshua. As a Fields of Wheat staff member, God is opening fresh doors. I’d like to invite you to walk through with me. The timing is ripe for us to venture through these doors of unprecedented opportunity together.

Hosting Young Jewish and Arab Disciples
In just one week, I’ll be hosting a gathering of young adult believers in Yeshua. This is a critical stage of life. Young men and women, both Arab and Jewish, are asking, “What am I to do with my life? Where’s my place in society? How does my faith fit in with career, marriage, congregation?”
I know not many of you can read the Hebrew and Arabic of this invitation, but I’d like you to see it and pray over it. I’ll provide a rough translation below.
We are happy to invite you to
“A Brunch for Young Adults.”
May 5, 2023

During our time together, we will take a tour of Katzrin’s historic park, enjoy a deluxe brunch, and enter a deep time of praise & worship.
Bringing together a small group like this provides a relaxed setting ideal for building trust. We see this as a prelude to a full-on discipleship program in the near future. What a delight to host these events in our new ministry house on the Golan Heights! Many of you have helped us obtain and outfit this wonderful ministry center. Todah…Thank you!
Arab Christian Teen Camp – A Critical Need!
In addition, there is a critical need among the younger Arab Christians. Our teens have very few opportunities to gather in a spiritual atmosphere to grow in faith, and this has led us to adopt a vision to create an Arab Christian youth camp like the one we conduct for Jewish youth.
I am soliciting your earnest prayers as we have worked diligently to make this vision a reality. We have been meeting with Arab Christian leaders from all denominations to gain a better understanding of the needs of Arab youth and to identify the best ways to meet those needs. They’ve been responding with enthusiasm. It is an encouraging sign that we are on the right path.
Please know how grateful I am for your continued support. With your help, we are making progress toward the twin goals of (1) creating a youth camp for Arab believers and (2) establishing a Jewish-Arab discipleship experience for young adults. My heart is to foster greater understanding and collaboration between Arab and Jewish communities. It gives me joy to know that you for standing with me.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers as we move forward with our efforts to serve both the Christian Arab community and the Israeli Jewish body of believers.
Ruby Bishai
On behalf of the Fields of Wheat Team